Premature ejaculation results in:

  • ejaculation that occurs too quickly, before the man or his partner wish it, systematically or very often;
  • an inability to "hold back" or control ejaculation;
  • negative psychological repercussions.


However, it should be noted that premature ejaculation, during the first sexual intercourse or a new relationship, is normal. It only becomes problematic if it persists and constitutes a real discomfort.

We distinguish :

  • primary premature ejaculation which is present with each intercourse, with different partners, throughout life. 
  • secondary or acquired premature ejaculation that appears when it was not present during previous sexual intercourse. It is usually associated with an underlying disease such as prostatitis, an erectile or neurological disorder, or a psychological problem. 




We now know that premature ejaculation, which has long been considered a purely psychological disorder, is also linked to neurobiological disorders and / or genetic susceptibility.

The exact causes are, however, unknown.

Several biological factors could promote this disorder, including2:

  • hypersensitivity of the glans,
  • hyper-excitability of the ejaculation reflex,
  • disturbances in the transmission of nerve messages in the brain or hypersensitivity of certain nerve receptors (especially serotonin receptors),
  • inflammation of the prostate (chronic prostatitis)
  • abnormalities of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)
  • a neurological disease, such as multiple sclerosis.

No large-scale study has yet clearly demonstrated the role of one or the other of these neurobiological causes.

It is evident that certain psychological and environmental factors also have a role to play.



Premature ejaculation has the following symptoms:

  • ejaculation always or almost always occurs before intravaginal penetration or within 1 minute of penetration
  • there is an inability to delay ejaculation with every or almost every vaginal penetration
  • this situation leads to negative consequences, such as distress, frustration, discomfort and / or avoidance of sex.Several studies show that among men with permanent premature ejaculation:
  • 90% ejaculate in less than a minute (and 30 to 40% in less than 15 seconds),
  • 10% ejaculate between one and three minutes after penetration.

Finally, according to the ISSM, 5% of these men ejaculate involuntarily even before penetration.


People at risk


The risk factors for premature ejaculation are not well known.
Unlike erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation does not increase with age. On the contrary, it tends to decrease with time and experience. It is more common in young men and at the start of a relationship with a new partner. 


Risk factors


Several factors can promote premature ejaculation:

  • anxiety (especially performance anxiety),
  • having a new partner,
  • weak sexual activity (infrequent),
  • withdrawal or abuse of certain medications or drugs (in particular opiates, amphetamines, dopaminergic drugs, etc.),
  • alcohol abuse.


Exercises to delay ejaculation


  • Avoid contracting the pelvic musculature and thigh adductors, as this precipitates ejaculation. On the contrary, it is necessary to relax as during urination, and gradually learn to anticipate the ejaculatory reflex;
  • Performing daily series of bodybuilding in the perineum area gradually makes it possible to become aware of the existence of these muscles and to discover ways of using them, in particular the effects on the arousal of contractions or relaxation;
  • Learn to spot the sensations that announce the imminence of ejaculation so as not to be surprised by ejaculation;
  • Approaching relaxation techniques, such as sophrology, have their full interest here and can allow man to better inhabit his body and increase his ability to identify the ejaculatory threshold;
  • Perform masturbation sessions during which individuals force themselves not to ejaculate for a certain time. This allows you to learn to separate arousal and ejaculation;
  • Approach masturbation differently: usually, men seek in masturbation the relief by ejaculation, of a certain sexual tension. Unfortunately, he thus acquires a rapid automatic arousal which leads him to a faster ejaculation. To counter this, you have to learn to savor all the masturbation, to take pleasure in an erection and arousal that last, to better identify your levels of sexual arousal.


Natural solution with Staminia


Stamina delays and stabilizes premature ejaculation over time during intercourse.